News Title: From: To: Feel Younger Than Your Age? It May Help You Live Longer Folks who feel "young at heart" may be more likely to live to a ripe old age, a new British study suggests. Date:12/18/2014 7:37:40 AM Rapid Sequencing Method Can Identify New Viruses Within Hours The new approach could one day help health care workers in remote areas identify new viruses as soon as they appear. Date:11/25/2013 1:45:42 PM Fire in the Mind « The End of Pinktober Cancer, Estrogen, and the Metabolic Mess If there is a single refrain in the science of cancer that I found most resonant, it is probably this: ..... Date:11/25/2013 1:59:56 PM Cancer Has Afflicted People Since Prehistoric Times The idea that cancer is a modern disease is a common misconception Date:11/25/2013 1:38:33 PM 1